Meet Jakki! She is the owner at Opal & Emerald located in Daleville, Indiana. When she started telling me about all her services, I was blown away! She is not only a Licensed Cosmetologist but also a Licensed Massage Therapist. She offers all the things. Hair, nails, massage, spray tans and all the things in between.
Jakki and I share a mutual client, so I had heard about how amazing she was before I ever met her! She is so calming to be around.
When talking about her brand and what her goal was with her photos, it was very much the same energy I was standing in. She offers a welcoming space, free to be yourself without the fear of judgement. BONUS. It is just her there so you will most likely get her all to yourself! That makes it easier to have more healing conversations.
She was such an easy-going human being. When we reviewed her photos during the shoot she was keeping her eye out to make sure her photos were very much her and felt like her. I LOVED THAT! Sometimes as photographers we get in the flow of what we do and we can sometimes remove the mannerisms of our subject. THAT IS NOT AUTHENTIC. So I appreciated and loved this aspect of her. She knows who she is. She is amazing. During the editing process, I kept this in mind. I wanted to leave her as her beautiful self and not do too much with editing.
The salon sign is perfection! When I saw that I was in love!

Detail shots will forever be my favorite. I can't help it. My wedding photographer days stay with me. I loved this picture. These are from a client and she told me the story of when they were given to her and it just shows how she truly treasures her clients. Her clients get her. Enough to think about her when they are not with her. She makes an impact on people and that is what being in this industry is all about.

Another fun fact about her salon is that it is named after her daughter's birthstones. DOES IT GET BETTER THAN THAT?
You can visit Opal & Emerald on Facebook and check out her amazing work!
Be sure to reach out to Jakki if you are wanting to become a client of hers!
I added more from our shoot below!!!